Final Fantasy XIII & XIII-2 ~ review

First review post here! I promised a review post for Lightning Returns Final Fantasy 13. I will get to that soon. For now I will review FFXIII and FFXIII-2, the prequels to Lightning Returns FF13.

When I review, I will try taking into account every aspect of it as best as I possibly can and conclude the overall with 2 main ratings, each a scale between 0 to 10. First rating will be how good the game is based on calculated overall and the second rating will be my personal experience and how much I enjoyed it. I’ll probably add sub ratings for different aspects such as gameplay and story. I also judge mostly by its overall experience, so it’s not only about gameplay, but aesthetics and story as well. I will also be slightly more detailed for my next post, the review for Lightning Returns FF13.

Okay enough intro, lets get down to business!

Final Fantasy XIII review final-fantasy-13-wallpaper-lightning-003-1680-316x248 I played this game pretty long ago so I don’t exactly remember everything, but I do remember the important stuff enough. I’m aware of the mixed reviews this game received and my judgement will be mostly based on personal experience.

Gameplay (7.8/10)

A completely new and innovative gameplay from the previous Final Fantasy games and most RPGs too for that matter. Customizable paradigm strategies will make the usual classic FF tradition of needing to grind in battles for hours more bearable and maybe somewhat addictive. The fights are fast paced, a nice change of style for the FF series. Add that with the new “stagger” system which makes it a whole lot fun. However, the battles can get a little repetitive after really long hours, except when bosses pop up, those are the most interesting fights. And this continuous grinding goes on for the entire length of the minimum 50-60 hours to completion (excluding extra missions). Some battles could get too difficult especially when it’s game over the moment the leader dies, this could get really inconvenient and annoying. Let’s just say there will be a few really frustrating battles you have to repeat many times until you learn to customize strategies that function specifically for different enemies and complementing paradigms or execute good timing in battles (something I lack apparently). In short, the new battle system keeps things interesting but the game is too long that the battles should have provided more variety to avoid redundancy. And again some battles are too hard that it could get pretty frustrating (though it won’t be an issue if you’re a natural pro). Asides from that, unlike previous FFs, this game is really linear and lack the freedom to travel anywhere you’d like to without the open world map, opposite from what most JRPGs usually are. Many people may find this to be a problem but it wasn’t a big deal for me.

Design (9/10)

The graphics are superb, along with one of the most breathtaking landscapes you have ever seen in a video game. They really worked hard on the scenery to make it absolutely enchanting. A feast for the eyes, especially during cinematic cutscenes. As for character design, most of the main characters resemble those typical Square Enix characters from their other games but it’s fine, I think they’re really nice to look at. A huge cast of physically attractive characters feels unreal but hey, it’s Japanese, and they prefer their leads to be hot instead of real. I’m not really complaining though. Their clothes are stylish too, from a unique touch of modern to exotic for different characters.

left to right: Fang, Sazh, Vanille, Lightning, Snow, Hope

Story (5/10)

This part of the FF13 trilogy gets a hell lot of heat. And I have to agree that it’s not the best part of this game, but I haven’t gotten to the other 2 sequels yet. The story for FF13 is hard to follow, it’s hard to even get the gist of what’s going on if you didn’t take effort to read the “datalogs” that serve as backup info on the ongoing plot. I tried reading the “datalogs” and I when I finally get the gist of it, things become more convoluted and it makes me want to give up. The huge amount of cutscenes, while interesting to watch, are supposed to explain what’s going on but in this game, they often act as fillers or just another confusing addition (sometimes unnecessary) to further complicate the plot. I think the characters talk about their topics as if we already know them without prior explanations half the time. Despite all that, there are still a few interesting and somewhat touching parts that could get you slightly emotional, including the ending. Overall, the story wasn’t a train wreck, but it wasn’t brilliant either, especially when you compare it to some of the previous FFs that are known for their amazing stories like FF6 and FF7. (I didn’t mention others like 8,9 or 10 because I haven’t played them… I will soon!)

Characters (5/10)

The main cast is a sweet bunch really, they’re nice and each of them are unique but they are not characters that you would get too attached to despite this game being heavily story based. And I think the creators do try to strike emotional nerves here and there but only a few are actually impactful. In short, the leads are not likeable enough, even Lightning herself, she’s tough, cool and pretty but there’s just something lacking about her. I don’t see much meaningful character development in most of them either, except for Hope’s case, but his one seemed forced. Maybe it’s also the dialogs that were getting me irked because it doesn’t seem to be well written. Also, the voice acting of certain characters that just grates on my nerves. The best voice acting would of course go to Snow’s Troy Baker. And although I just complained for this whole paragraph, you may still get a tiny bit emotional for them at certain scenes, poor dialog and voice acting aside. And with a game that requires such long hours to complete, you would eventually start feeling for them and realize they’re actually not that bad. However, I think the length of the plot should have given ample of time for the proper character development that wasn’t there.

Music (8/10)

It’s not Final Fantasy if it’s not good music. Most of the soundtracks are really good and quite soothing while you’re running around certain places looking for enemy to grind (with the excessive grinding being not as soothing after a long while). The soundtracks suit the events and backgrounds nicely. Each of the character songs were especially composed to fit each of them. While they’re not up to the standards of timeless FF classic compositions like ‘Aerith’s theme’ or ‘To Zanarkand’, they still provide amazing piano collections…


Overall rating: 7/10                                                                                                                                ~ Some hate it, some love it, this game is a subjective experience for everyone so it’s still worth a shot to try it out. Despite all the fairly perceived flaws and hate from some people, Final Fantasy 13 is still a fun and decent play.

Personal rating: 7.5/10 ~ I like this game, I can look past the flaws and focus on the good stuff most of the time, it isn’t as terrible the things said by all those passionate haters. But it could definitely be much better.

(Apparently i use decimals because a scale up to ten is still not enough for me to give specific scores)  -,-

Final Fantasy XIII-2 review FFXIII2lightningcaius Well this is a step up from the prequel if you ask me. And damn, look at her outfit!

Gameplay (8.5/10)

Still using paradigm shifts and staggers” like the prequel, the battle concept is almost the same except for the added feature to be a ‘Pokemon master’, which is pretty cool. Your main leads are Serah and Noel while your third ally in battles would be selected specialized monsters you caught and trained. Adding to the diversity and customizability of strategies. And unlike FF13, you finally don’t ‘game over’ immediately after your leader dies, you change leaders between the two main characters instead, allowing you to revive the other, fixing the issue from XIII. The game is just as fast paced and a little more bearable in difficulty. It’s smoother than the predecessor too. Your battles alongside your “pokemons” give more variety and fun so grinding will not easily become repetitive, though it still might be, you know, because JRPGs. Moreover, players can’t complain about linearity anymore because of the ability to quickly travel through time and space using time portals, a unique change from the traditional FF way of “I shall travel by foot across forests and deserts while getting mauled by countless monsters on the way to the castle.” Not that I had many problems with the old travelling style but FFXIII-2 provided a refreshing change with the minimal travel time. There are puzzles too and while most of them can be frustrating, they can still be very interesting. And lastly, who could forget the casino? I think they’re trying to go for some FF7 nostalgia here because the casinos resembled the a little, what with the chocobo racing and all (Which is freaking fun unless you lose all your gil). It’s so much fun that I remember going broke in just a few hours. Yeah, I don’t belong in Vegas….

Design (9/10)

Having a darker setting compared to the “sunsets all over and pretty sci-fi” sceneries in FF13, I’d say the landscape designs are as awe inspiring as the character designs in XIII-2. Between the 2 games I honestly can’t decide which I prefer more in terms of breathtaking background landscapes. The captivating architecture of the ancient goddess temple and fantasy imbued mythological images that set the theme are really beautiful. There are futuristic cities too, those with flying cars and sleek buildings.  For character designs, I definitely prefer XIII-2 because their outfits are just stunning. Just look at Lightning in all her goddess splendour! I really like Yeul’s outfit too, the exotic Gran Pulse style that crosses tribal with modern. Oh and did I mention how handsome Caius is? 😉 final_fantasy_xiii_2___introduction_by_kurohiku_chi-d4ku01q Story (7.5/10)

By step up, I really mean a step up from XIII especially when it comes to XIII-2’s story. I think the fantasy mythology theme made the plot more alluring. You may get lost in a dark magical and modern fantasy world while being immersed in this game. However, things could still get complicated so be prepared to read ‘datalogs’ again. Yes, the story has it’s number of convoluted and inscrutable parts much like the prequel but at least I still found it enjoyable. I really like how the cutscenes are invested in more realistic emotions, not like the almost cheesy ones in the prequel. And the sad scenes here just reaches to you. I was actually kinda heartbroken for the main characters, especially Noel. The story is actually pretty interesting and unique, blending with previously existing mythologies, forming an intriguing concept of time travelling fantasy. However, I still think the quality of the plot is still not up to the standards of previous classic FFs.

Characters (7/10)

It’s good to finally have main characters that you could actually get a little emotional attachment to. Serah and Noel were genuine and you may actually end up caring about them because of how much they went through. Especially Noel though, that poor boy :,( Although the things they say could get a bit cheesy or cliché at times, the dialogs are still pretty okay. Lightning though… I’m pretty disappointed that she occasionally appears and acts all cool and emotionless, like what’s the deal? You disappeared without a word, haven’t seen your sister who was worried sick for you for years and when you meet her again you couldn’t even act the slightest bit fazed? Yeah I think the main problem that kept nagging at me was how painfully casual and nonchalant everyone acted when they finally found their beloved family or fiancé after searching desperately for so long. As if all their constant (and redundant) firm convictions along the lines of “I will sacrifice everything to save/find the most important people to me” was all a lie. I practically removed 0.5 after remembering that part. So yeah, more realistic character emotions but at the same time, less realistic emotions. A “paradox” indeed (If you played this game you should know that word was a poorly placed and excruciatingly lame pun.)

Music (9/10)

Just listening to the soundtrack at the menu screen gives you so much feels. You would know by then that this game promises more beautiful music. And they never failed to deliver, this is one of the FF games which makes me so proud of their music, but really I am appalled at how underrated XIII-2’s soundtracks are. Not many people know about how amazing they are, it seems. I think the majority of them are classic FF fanboys who preferred the older style of music. And I think you can also blame it on the infamous reputation of the prequel that this game wasn’t such a big hit. Trust me on this though, the music is so worth it you just can’t miss out a chance to experience it.

Listen to this… it is all kinds of beauty…


Overall score: 8.2/10 ~ Even if you never played the prequel, this game is fine as a standalone. And it’s definitely a few levels higher than XIII in terms of how good it is if you ask me and it’s really worth the play, even with the few minor issues with the confusing plot.

Personal score: 8.8/10 ~ I love this game, it’s a really epic experience for me. I even played till post-game, that’s how much I loved it and I rarely do post-game unless there’s an incentive. I repeated the final boss fight too, even after 5 starring it because it’s just so much fun to beat such a challenging boss to pulp and getting 5 stars again. The ending broke me a little and one of the soundtracks is still currently in my top playlist. Main problem was I experienced FF6 prior to this, and I tell you, it’s hard to top these older FF classics.

Mog_FMV (1)


Well look at me trying to sound like a pro reviewer, pssh. I’d say the best way to find out if the games are good is to play them yourself because of how mixed everyone’s opinions are on these 2 games are. What do you think of FF13 and FF13-2 if you’ve already played them? Let me know in the comments. I definitely don’t mind if you disagree with things said here, as I’ve already mentioned how subjective this game is to everyone playing it so a little constructive criticism is welcomed. Please do point out any mistakes I’ve made in this post. And be nice 🙂

Next review post! Lightning Returns Final Fantasy 13! Stay around for more game, anime, movie and TV series reviews!

thanks for reading! ❤ u fo dat! 😉
